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Hokubo Maniwactity Okayama Japanese countryside experience program

Hokubo Maniwactity Okayama Japanese countryside experience program

In the Satoyama Hokubo, there are limestone mountains formed by the rising sea bottom 5 million years ago, and limestone cave and spring water formed by rainwater eroding rocks over a long time. Shinto Buddhas are enshrined in the limestone caves and spring water, and the entire town is an energy emanating spot. In addition, there is a group of burial mounds of the king, evidencing how the ancient times had flourished, and the experience of listening to the guide telling stories about mysterious tales and legends will heal the mind and body and offer a chance to learn about Japanese historical culture. In the Japanese countryside Hokubo, there are limestone mountains formed by the rising sea bottom 5 million years ago and limestone cave and spring water formed by rainwater eroding the rocks over a long time. The flowing water sources the Japan’s fireflies and calcium rich crops.You can experience harvesting vegetables along with such special mothers of Hokubo, preparing local Hokubo countryside cooking under their guidance, and eating around the hearth in an old private house. You can experience Japanese rural life. In the Japanese countryside Hokubo, there are 88 Daishi pilgrimage locations that have been around since ancient times. As a mini-Daishi tour experience for everyone visiting Hokubo, we have selected 5 locations where old traditions and anecdotes remain for you to experience the pilgrimage with explanations provided by a guide. For inquiries, (one company) Hokubo Tourism Association Tourist Information Email Telephone 0866-52-3009


​ 北房観光インフォメーション

岡山県 真庭市 下呰部639




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